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Farhan Khalid
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Using netstat/dos prompts
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Using netstat/dos prompts

I really wasnt quite sure where to post this. But this is a good way for people that even want to run mass ignore these days but may not quite be sure how. In otherwords to check voice servers, established connections. Its just something you should be atleast knowledgeable of imo..

Open a command prompt (start>run>cmd on windows 2000/XP, start>run>command on windows 95/98/me)
When the command window appears, there are several variations of the following command that can be typed to obtain a list of your active connections:
netstat shows a list of your current TCP connections and ports, with the physical computer name listed for local addresses and the host name listed for remote addresses. It will also tell you the state of the port (waiting, established, etc...)
netstat -n shows you the same list of TCP connections and ports, but with numerical, or ip addresses instead of the actual names of the computers or services.
netstat -a shows you a complete list of all connections on all protocols which are currently active on your machine. This list is not exhaustive, as it only shows the protocols that windows determines are relevant (typically TCP and UDP - ICMP and the like are not shown).
netstat -b shows you the same list, but will also show you which programs (in executable form, i.e. msnmsgr.exe) are using the connections/ports.
These are simply a few of the options for the netstat command. If you would like to see them all, type netstat /? for a complete listing and partial description (provided you have the background knowledge on what they imply).
Again if you are doing it to check to see what voice servers are in the room look for It is pretty common knowledge now that if the room you are trying to voice up has one of these servers you should be able to get almost 100% on voice. On the other hand if you go to the room and you get one of these if it works it will be very slow to voice up. I have also noticed that the voice servers could just change at random. Meaning you start in the room with one voice server and just it randomally changes. Just really allow yourself some time, and try to become familliar with netstat
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