Ftp Hacking Tutorial i will show u how to hack FTP accounts the easy way.
1st, we need Google's help ( Remember, google is the hacker's best friend).
Now. open up google home page and go to the search bar.
Type this : intitle:index.of wcx_ftp.ini ( FTP.ini is the file that contains the encrypted authentication).
Hit enter and surf through the pages, when u find something interesting, clic on it and look for a file called : " wcx_ftp.ini" , open it and copy and paste it on Notepad and save it on ur desktop.
Now, download this little program that will help u decrypt the passwords
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When extracted the files , run the program, its called : " TOTAL COMMANDER PASSWORD RECOVERY ".
Now clic on : " FROM FILE"
Navigate to the wcx_ftp.ini that u have saved on ur desktop., the software will decrypt the passwords and u will have the full authentication to the FTP server.
From then, u can use ur browser to penetrate the server or u can use CMD to connect to the server.
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FTP : File Transfer Protocole.
Some servers have FTP enabled so the admin and the authorized ppl can interact with the server by transfering , downloading and uploading files.
Enjoy ![dance](http://farhan411.do.am/smiley-dance007.gif)